Saturday, November 17, 2007

Last day of vacation

We decided to drive back down to our old haunts around La Jolla and Encinitas.  Stopped IMG_2438for coffee at the Pannikin.

Braden was napping so we decided to head on down to La Jolla. The day was a little overcast but we kept promising Kyle that it would be sunny later. Before long the sun came out and it was just a beautiful day.

 IMG_2448 We walked around La Jolla and went in a few stores.  Then we headed down to the Cove.  Had a nice lunch at the Brockton Villa. IMG_2527


We walked around the Cove a bit.


Dan and Amy decided to let the boys get their feet wet.IMG_2554




After that we headed down a few blocks to the seal beach.

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It was time to head back up to Encinitas where we stopped in a surfing store and went across the street to the Java Hut for some smoothies.  After a mandatory stop at Moonlight BeachIMG_2652 we headed back to the villas.  It was just a delightful day and a perfect way to end a great vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys seem to have had a wonderful family vacation, Art!