It started off normal enough. We went to Sunday School and came home to wait for Dan and Amy to drop off the boys for the afternoon. They were having an open house. They came and brought lunch then they left to do some shopping. Both boys took naps. Dan and Amy came back and we visited a while. They were getting ready to leave when the phone rang. It was Lori, pretty rattled, saying something about Keir was on his way to the hospital and she needed help going over to the sledding hill next to the La Grange Park library to get Lindsey. Dan and I jumped in the car and raced over there. Dan spotted the ambulance down at the bottom of the hill so I drove down there and parked right next to it. Dan jumped out and ran towards the paramedics who were coming down the hill with a stretcher. As I headed toward the group (slowly because it was so slippery) Dan headed off into the big baseball field. The 4 paramedics came to where I was with Keir on the stretcher. I could see blood all over him but didn't get a chance to talk to him - they headed for the ambulance and I stopped one of them and said I was his father-in-law. He told me that Lori was looking for me and wanted me to take the kids so she could go to the hospital. He pointed toward the field and I saw Lori and Dan carrying the kids towards the Jewel parking lot. He told me that Keir seemed all right and was conscious and talking so I ran to catch up with Dan and Lori.
We put the kids in Lori's car so Dan could take them back to our house while I followed the ambulance to the hospital with Lori. When we got back to the ambulance they told us Lori could ride with them so I drove home. They took Keir to La Grange Hospital, stitched him up and ran a cat scan and x-rayed his neck. Those tests didn't show any problems but he had suffered a concussion and they wanted to have a neurologist look at him so they transferred him to Hinsdale hospital. Keir's parents were heading in from Crystal Lake. When they arrived I picked up Lori so she could go home and pick up some stuff for the girls and some stuff for herself to stay overnight at Hinsdale Hospital. They got Keir over there and put him in the Neuro ICU so they could monitor him overnight. He was talking okay last night and beginning to remember things and said he was feeling better. He has a big gash on his forehead that took 11 stitches to close. The only thing we know is what the cop told me - Lindsey's sled started going crooked and was heading for a tree so Keir started running after her, slipped and fell. Another father that was there called the paramedics. Keir doesn't remember any of this so we don't know much more than that.
The neurologist saw him this morning. They ran another cat scan and gave him a clean bill of health. Lori brought him home this afternoon and then picked up the girls from our house when they woke up from their naps.
Oh my gosh!!! I'm glad to hear he's ok!
what a day...I hope Keir is doing better in the meantime and you all had a chance to relax a bit after those events....
Sending all my best wishes!
What a frightening time for you and the rest of the family. It sounds as if it has a happy ending. WHEW!
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