Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I can't believe it's Wednesday

Sunday was well, blah.  Rained early and it was warm. Never got the snow they predicted.  Jill picked up Kyle Monday morning and he stayed with us until this morning.  What a treat that is. He iIMG_5485s just so much fun. He's even more into music now.  Alicia Keys and Natasha Bedington :-) And he loves the Disney movie Cinderella.  And books.  I don't think we had a toy out the whole time. He and Jill sure do have something special going.

We went to his favorite restaurant last night, Antonio's. It took an unusually long time for our food to arrive.  When our waitress finally brought it, Kyle asked her "What took so long?"

We've been wanting to put some pictures up in the hallway on the second floor but just have never gotten around to it.  I finally ordered some big prints in canvas wrap style. They arrived today and we hung them.  We're both quite pleased with the way they came out.


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Went outside a couple of time to see the lunar eclipse. There were a few clouds but we could see it pretty well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your adventures with the gkids!

And those prints are stunning!!!