Sunday, September 16, 2007

A glorious day

The weather was perfect today. We went to Sunday School and then church.  I had to take pictures of the third graders getting their bibles.  There seem to be about twice as many kids in church as there were a few years ago.  That's a great trend. The church rose garden yielded this beauty today.


In the afternoon we bought some mums for the front porch and in front of the garage.  Jill planted those while I cleaned up the pond and watered the plants in the backyard.  Then we sat on the deck for a while before coming in to watch the Bears beat the Chiefs.

We are amazed at how well that red hibiscus bush is doing this late.  The peach one is doing okay too but the red one is really pumping out the blossoms.

IMG_0061 hibiscus with evening sun

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