Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It's going to be a decent day for the little kids to go out.  Seems like it's usually cold or rainy on Halloween.  We have Braden so that Amy can go to Kyle's pre-school and help out with the party there.  She will come out here afterwards and then everybody will go to Lori's new house to trick-or-treat around there. We figured it was a good way for Lori to see some of her new neighbors.

I was downtown yesterday for the whole day. Grabbed a few street shots on the way to the train.

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I was pleasantly surprised to see Lori when I got off the train at Stone Avenue. When Lindsey woke up from her nap she said she wanted to go see Nana so Lori drove to our house. Jill told her I was coming in on the train so she picked me up. She and the kids just stayed a little while and then left to pick Keir up at the La Grange Road train station.

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